


We believe that the Holy Scripture (the Bible) is the written revelation of God, verbally inspired of the Holy Spirit through the instrument of holy men, self-testifying, infallible, and authoritative in all that it says, forming the complete canon of the Old and New Testament, which is  necessary and sufficient for a proper knowledge of God, self, and salvation.


We believe that God (without mixture and without division) is absolute, infinite, immutable, personal, spiritual, omnipotent, omniscient, and righteous, who exists in three coequal and co-eternal persons—namely the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit; who in His own eternal and independent counsel ordained all that transpires in time, created all that has and will exist in space, and sovereignly governs them both to their final, predestinated purposes and destinations.


We believe that mankind was created upright in the image of God to glorify and enjoy Him forever, yet has fallen from this originally state by Adam’s transgression (of the covenant of works), which has brought universal death and depravity to the whole human race, consequently disenabling any person from properly fulfilling their divine purpose, which in return ensures upon them the universal wrath and judgment of God.


We believe that Jesus Christ is the incarnate Son of God who was born of the Virgin Mary (being fully God and fully man), who fulfilled the demands of the law in His sinless life, yet endured the wrath of God in His death on the cross for the sins of His people (making atonement), and was buried then rose from the dead after three days to defeat the power of Satan, establish His kingdom, and to secure salvation for everyone who believes upon Him, and now who resides at the right hand of God that He might forever live to make intercession for His people as their high Priest and King.


We believe in the Holy Spirit who alone, by the Word of God, imparts life to sinners that they may be saved from their sins, a salvation that includes justification (where the righteousness of Christ is imputed to the sinners by faith alone that secures peace and reconciliation with God), regeneration (where sinners are born again with a new and holy nature), sanctification (where believers are positionally and progressively made into the perfect image of Christ Jesus as they preserver in salvation by faith), and glorification (where the sin nature is one for all eradicated and the new body is received in glory).


We believe in the universal and invisible church of God that consist of every born again believer throughout history, and the visible and local manifestation of the local church, which consist of a fellowship of a body of believers, who by the Holy Spirit, have been called out of this world of darkness and have been spiritually united together into one body in Christ Jesus. Who, by their mutual union in Christ have giving themselves unto obedience of the faith and have come together by a voluntary agreement to be accountable for one another in love by humbly and consistently assembling together along with their ordained leaders for spiritual fellowship and mutual edification. The church, then, purposes together to uphold the Word of God, practice its precepts, observe the ordnances of the church, and carry out its discipline; collectively submitting, instructing, admonishing and caring for one another as unto the Lord.


We believe that Christ Jesus is coming again to judge the world and resurrect his people on the last day, which is the blessed hope of all who wait upon him.

For more on how we understand the Scriptures refer to The Second London Baptist Confession of Faith of 1689.